Los 1920
Q. Pomponius Musa, 56 BC. Denarius (Silver, 18 mm, 3.69 g, 3 h), Rome. Laureate head of Apollo to right; to left, volumen. Rev. Q•POMPONI / MVSA Clio, the Muse of History, standing front, head to left, wearing long flowing tunic and peplum, reading from an open scroll held in both hands and resting her left elbow on draped column. Babelon (Pomponia) 11. Crawford 410/3. RBW 1485. Sydenham 813. Somewhat porous and the reverse struck a bit off center, otherwise, very fine.

Other than on the coins of this moneyer, the name Musa is unknown in Roman history associated with the Pomponia gens. The reference to Hercules Musagetes and the nine Muses is obvious: it is a punning allusion to the name of the moneyer. It is probable that the representation of Hercules here, as well as the depictions of the Muses on Q. Pomponius Musa's other denarii, are actual representations of the statuary which M. Fulvius Nobilior had installed in the temple he erected to the Muses in the Circus Flaminius in 179 BC.
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